The idea


For years I’ve been filling up journals and folders on my Mac and PC with words that have never seen the light of day.  I have always said, “one day I’ll come back to you and compile you into a great work and give you the stage time you deserve.” Then we get busy, life takes over and we never do anything with any of it.  What a shame!

Yesterday, as I was about to crash after a killer Thanksgiving, this idea smacked me in the face like a 2×4. It was a good thing!  I immediately took action and created this blog.  My wife said I needed a hobby, so here it is.  No flash, no glamour, just words.  Simple.

Here’s what I’m going to do:

I’m going to start posting all the pieces I have written over the years.  Because I’m a perfectionist and usually don’t do shit until I feel it’s exactly right, I’m going to just start posting.  I’m not going to worry about the details of how to organize the content or exactly when I’m going to post.  Trust me, I’ll get there, but if I start doing all that I might as well shut this down right now.  So, let’s throw all the damn reasons to procrastinate out the window and just go.

Right now I don’t know what I’m going to post first and that’s a rush that excites me.  I’ll go with what inspires me that day.

I’m sure this happens to all of us where we intend to do something and then it never happens.  Let’s start changing that and just get things done that we can be proud of.


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